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 Dupont ce midi.

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Marion Louise Gingras
Mom Moucher
Remi Beaulieu
Francois-Julien Delisle
Martin Filion
Richard Boisvert
pierre tessier
Yves Laramée
Vincent Dessureault
Patrice Nadeau
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Jérome Landry
Claude Gagné
Jean Langlois
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyVen 2 Oct 2009 - 12:35

Vers 12h15 Dupont revient sur le sujet. On a d'autres informations
étonnantes. La femme aurait été mariée à une vedette locale.

2 personnes qui travaillaient au même endroit qu'elle ont également été

On donne plein de morceaux d'informations mais ca manque de

Ca va dans tout les sens. Ils sont là-dessus depuis 24 hrs et impossible
d'avoir l'histoire.

On ne donne que des bribes d'info trouvées sur le net.

Plusieurs questions pourraient trouver réponse si quelqu'un appelait la

Vous avez une maudite bonne histoire, ne la ratez pas.
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyJeu 8 Oct 2009 - 11:53

S'passe dans l'histoire précédente ? J'ai manqué la suite ? La fin ? Podcast ?
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMar 13 Oct 2009 - 13:11

Pourquoi il n'y aura pas d'élection avant le mois de juin prochain.
PCQ le quart de la chambre n'aura pas fait assez d'années pour
avoir la pension de 24,000 piastres à vie.

Un bon topo de Vincent Dessureault sur les astuces des députés pour y arriver. 12h35 apx.
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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMar 13 Oct 2009 - 21:22

toute les infos que j ai donner a dess provenait d'André....imagine s il avait un micro a ottawa
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMar 20 Oct 2009 - 12:34

Dupont est absent aujourd'hui et demain pcq il est en cour pour se défendre d'une poursuite de $400,000 lancé par l'ex ou actuel président
du syndicat de la MIL-Davie Richard Gauvin.

Maurais couvre l'affaire 12h25 apx.
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMar 20 Oct 2009 - 12:57

Citation :

Un animateur de CHOI-FM devant le tribunal
Agence QMI
Jean-François Racine
19/10/2009 20h45

QUÉBEC | Plus de trois ans après avoir tenu des propos jugés diffamatoires par l’ex-président du syndicat des employés de la Davie, l’animateur de CHOI Stéphane Dupont devra se défendre devant le tribunal mardi et mercredi.

L’ancien président du syndicat des travailleurs du chantier maritime, Richard Gauvin, lui réclame 400 000 $ pour des propos controversés tenus en août 2006.
C'est la CSN qui paie les avocats de Gauvin.

Est-ce que CHOI a tenté de régler hors-cour ?
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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2009

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMar 3 Nov 2009 - 20:18

Apparemment que Dupont et Demers auraient eu une altercation en ondes ce midi...quelqu'un était à l'écoute au moment où ça s'est produit?
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Nov 2009 - 12:43

En ondes je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé mais Dupont a expliqué
vers 12h15 aujourd'hui qu'après le show il avait eut une rencontre avec Patrice Demers ( boss).

Demers lui interdit à l'avenir de mettre en ondes Alisson, l'utérus qui
racontait avec tout les détails les allés et venus des uns et des autres
entre ses jambes.

Il faut dire que vendredi dernier Alisson a scoré fort. Je n'ai jamais
rien entendu d'aussi vulgaire en ondes.

Dupont raconte que Demers l'a mis au défi de démissionner.
"T'as pas les guts de démissionner" !

Un contrat qui ne se renouvelera pas.
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Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Nov 2009 - 13:06

Croyez-vous que Dupont ce trouverait un autre micro facilement dans le cas qu’il quitterait CHOI? Moi pas certain qu’on va le réentendre…
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Nombre de messages : 343
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2007

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Nov 2009 - 13:18

DG a écrit:
Croyez-vous que Dupont ce trouverait un autre micro facilement dans le cas qu’il quitterait CHOI? Moi pas certain qu’on va le réentendre…

L'animateur #1 le midi qui ne pourrait pas se trouver une autre job? Impossible...

En fait, c'est très possible, car l'ancien animateur #1 du midi (AA) n'a plus de job à la radio depuis longtemps...
Vive le Québec...
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Yves Laramée

Nombre de messages : 147
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2007

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Nov 2009 - 20:42

Croyez-vous vraiment que le style de Dupont est "exportable " à l'extérieur de Radio X ?

Pour la radio conventionnelle, je ne pense pas.

Seriez-vous prêt à payer pour l'écouter sur internet par exemple ?
Ou par satellite ?
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Nombre de messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2009

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyMer 4 Nov 2009 - 22:33

CHEQ en Bauce ou la nouvelle station de Lévis?
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Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyJeu 5 Nov 2009 - 2:32

la nouvelle station communautaire de Lévis???? LOL ça fitte tellement avec Dupont.
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyJeu 5 Nov 2009 - 14:01

Ce midi en entrevue un gars très (trop) articulé a fait un pitch
de vente d'une vingtaine de minutes pour Alcor. Alcor est une
fondation qui congèle les gens pour les ramener à la vie un jour.

J'ai fait une petite recherche.

Citation :
Court rejects Alcor's bid to block release of book detailing mutilation of Ted Williams' head
By Michael O'Keeffe

Updated Monday, October 5th 2009, 7:49 PM

Connors/AP/APThe juicy details of how Alcor Life Extension Foundation mistreaded the frozen head of Ted Williams (below) are allowed to be published, a court ruled Monday.
Sande/AP/AP Related NewsArticles'Gossip Girl' star Chace Crawford hooks up with 'Twilight' actress Ashley GreeneOh snap! Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz must repay $24M loan today, gets suedRecord companies sue 'Ellen' show over copyrightsArtist Shepard Fairey admits cover-up in photo flap over Obama 'HOPE' posterHistoric Tavern on the Green $19M name controversey sparks lawsuitThe fight over the frozen head of baseball great Ted Williams continued in a New York courtroom on Monday, when a judge rejected a bid by Alcor Life Extension Foundation to block the release of a book that alleges the Splendid Splinter's remains were mutilated at its Arizona facility.

State Supreme Court Judge James A. Yates said in an interim order issued Monday that Larry Johnson, the author of "Frozen," can discuss and promote his book.

"We are very pleased that Judge Yates defended the company's First Amendment right to publish this important and newsworthy book," said Kent A. Yalowitz, an attorney for Vanguard Press, the book's publisher.

Claudia Williams, the youngest child of the Red Sox legend, attended the hearing but declined comment. In a statement issued through her attorney Eric Abel on Monday evening, said she was "horrified and shocked" by Yates' decision.

"This book serves no public purpose and obliterates the innermost sanctuary of a family's privacy," the statement said. "I believe Larry Johnson violated the confidentiality of my family in the most vile manner possible...Thethe privacy of my family and the resulting horror is of the highest degree and should never have outweighed the public's interest."

Claudia Williams and her now-deceased brother John Henry Williams claimed baseball's last .400 hitter wanted his remains suspended in liquid nitrogen, hoping future scientists will discover a way to revive the dead. They were engaged in an ugly legal feud with their stepsister Bobby-Jo Ferrell, who argued that their father's 1996 will specified that he should be cremated. John Heer, Ferrell's attorney, told the Daily News that Ferrell gave up the fight because she ran out of funding for litigation.

Alcor lawyers Clifford Wolff and Vincent Bauer requested a temporary restraining order to halt the release of the book, arguing that Johnson, the firm's chief operating officer before becoming a whistleblower in 2003, had violated a non-disclosure agreement and a July 7 order issued by a Maricopa County, Ariz., judge in a lawsuit filed by the Scottsdale cryonics facility. Johnson told the Daily News yesterday that he never signed a confidentiality agreement.

Alcor also said it feared Johnson would share trade secrets and other information from his eight-month tenure as an Alcor executive; Yates barred him from sharing information not already in the book for 24 hours.

"Frozen" is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, but stores across the United States began stocking it last week, Vanguard publisher Roger Cooper said, after the Daily News first reported Johnson's allegations that Alcor technicians with no medical certification crudely removed the Hall of Famer's head from his body. Johnson also described how Alcor employees balanced Williams' head on a tuna can to prevent it from sticking to its case, and how a technician trying to dislodge the can by smacking it with a wrench hit the head directly, spraying frozen tissue and bone across the room.

"The book is already in the market place," Cooper said. "We knew this book would be controversial and provocative and we spent months vetting and fact-checking."

The book also alleges that Alcor employees prematurely euthanized two members; conducted cruel experiments on dogs and dumped toxic chemicals and blood into public sewers.

Johnson said he's received death threats by speaking out against Alcor, but is not opposed to cryonics -- just the sloppy and unscientific procedures he says he witnessed while working for Alcor.

"You have a right to be frozen, just like you have a right to cremation or burial," Johnson told the Daily News. "But people need to know what is going on at Alcor. I feel very strongly that lawmakers should step in and regulate this field. It sickened as a medical professional me that they would do this stuff."

Sur ce lien vous avez un paquet d'informations. Dans le domaine des
sectes ou fumisterie Rick Ross a une bonne réputation.
Citation :
But no question, at the root is a type of cult-like mindset, which rejects science, and demands a type of blind faith. They even appear to wear cryonics bracelets, and some write how they ONLY will marry a fellow cryonicist, it goes on and on.
Due to the FACT that there is no such thing in science as "cryonics", the entire enterprise falls into the area of new religious movement.
It this sense, its similar to aspects of Scientology, in that the bogus Scientology E-meter is also rejected by science, yet Scientologists "believe" in it.
Its the same with "cryonics" which is also not a part of science.
Its blind faith in cryonics.

But that blind faith in cryonics is used to exploit people financially through the fear of death. That is obvious as they offer and promote cryonics for PETS, which obviously is just a cash-grab from grief.

The whole other area though, is the massive and growing "anti-aging" field. Notice how David Pizer says above he would prefer an anti-aging pill. Guess who is selling countless anti-aging products? All the same people.

So they make a killing selling bogus quackery in the anti-aging market, and then hope to get a windfall from the cryonics swindle.

Another area is how they handle critics, its all vicious personal attacks, which again is very typical of the cultic mindset. They go for the personal attack, to try to deflect from the facts.

If you read some of the horrors being done to these bodies, done by untrained people like "golf pro's and warehouse workers" to the point where visible air-bubbles are being injected into the bodies, heads cut off and shaved, and holes drilled into people's skulls...and way beyond that.,64749,page=1

L'arnaque ?

Citation :
This thing constantly gets stranger and weirder. All it takes is a little critical thinking, and a bit of research. Basically what was being speculated about a cryonic cultic religion and cryonic church of Immortalism, has already happened years ago. It already exists.
For example,

There is a guy named David Pizer, who is listed a Former Alcor Vice President. David Pizer appears to also run the Church/Society of Venturism. He also appears to employ Mark Plus at some motel or resort. (Its a small small world afterall...)

There is plenty of information out there about this, one can imagine how much is not openly available.

There is an ABC article below.
First off, its a glorified puff-piece, which serves as an advertisement for Alcor, those puff-articles are easy to get with a good PR agency.
But notice how the mainstream media asks no questions at all.

They claim to be worth 10 million, but are they really? Making yourself sound wealthy, is just another way of saying you're not in it for the money. But with so many millions, then why can't they hire a web-designer, for starters? (it really is absurd).

Also, how could a person Will money to themselves in a "personal revival trust" when they are legally dead? That is beyond ridiculous. That sounds like a complete scamola with word trickery.
Money can be put into a trust or company, that can be operated by other people who are alive. But you are dead, and that's that. Dead is legally dead, don't get duped. There is no such thing as cryonic suspension, it doesn't exist. You are legally dead dead dead.

Obviously, that sounds like just ANOTHER sales-pitch to get people to pour all their assets into trusts, that these kindly folks and their associates will happily "manage" for them while they are allegedly frozen solid and dead dead dead!!
Again, the problem is that you are legally dead, and you literally no longer exist. Period. And so whoever controls those assets, owns those assets, of course.

this is a good punch line for a comedy act, or a Southpark episode.
Hey, come and let us freeze your dead corpse which you donate to science through us, and turn all your assets/insurance over to some type of fancy trust, (which we'll "manage" for you), and we promise to "do our best" to build those assets, and then turn them back over to you when you are revived in 200 years.
(also, just to be safe, having the freezers go "offline" by mistake and thus causing the corpses to have to be cremated is rather convenient, just in case).

These guys should have been running Enron. Your money is going to be liquidated faster than your corpse, and it would all be totally legal.
Its almost hard to believe this stuff is really happening out there. But believe it.
Its a mad mad world.

Couple Opt for Cryogenics for Themselves and Their Dogs
They'll Will Their Money to Themselves
Jan. 25, 2006

David and Trudi Pizer own a resort in Arizona, but today they're visiting the Alcor Life Extension foundation in Scottsdale. It's a place where they'll spend many, many years -- cryogenically frozen.

"It's the only alternative to dying," David Pizer said.

This procedure attracted a lot of attention when baseball legend Ted Williams was frozen at Alcor. Williams and the Pizers could be neighbors there for 100 years or more. About 142 human bodies and heads are now held in cold storage at one of two U.S. cryonics facilities.

Cryogenics was spoofed in the first "Austin Powers" movie, but the Pizers are dead serious about it. In fact, David Pizer feels uncomfortable in the room where he'll be housed after he dies.

"I would rather take an anti-aging pill than have to do this," he said.

But Trudi Pizer is fine. She said she has friends in this room already.

Being frozen and stored at Alcor isn't cheap.

"Some people just have their heads frozen, believing that in the future they'll be able to use another body," said Tanya Jones, Alcor's chief operating officer. "If you're having your head frozen, it will cost $80,000. The whole body is $150,000."

The Pizers plan on having their dogs frozen as well, which may remind some of the era of Egyptian pharaohs who had their whole families and servants buried with them so everyone could go to the afterlife together. But the Pizers aren't talking about the afterlife -- they just want to continue this life.

They also want to continue their life with some money. Right now, their estimated worth is $10 million. They plan on having even more money when they come back to life. The account they will set up is called a personal revival trust, and if it works as planned, David Pizer expects to be one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

But this couple say it's really not about money but about being together now and forever.

"I want to be with her forever, I mean it," David Pizer said.,64749,page=6

Ca ferait un bon petit suivi pour demain midi ?
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyVen 6 Nov 2009 - 12:49

Le suivi dans quelques minutes.
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyVen 6 Nov 2009 - 13:24

Good Job.

Maintenant on rappel hors d'ondes le monsieur qui parlait trop bien
pour voir ce qu'il a à dire.

S'il défends l'indéfendable on le met en ondes. C'est quoi son intérêt.

Un illuminé ou il a un intérêt économique ?
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyVen 6 Nov 2009 - 14:17

Par contre ce genre de topo devrait être mieux préparé.

Un meilleur travail d'équipe. L'animateur pose les questions et le
raporteur y réponds.

Un cue sheet.

Quand tu fais un topo il n'y a rien de pire pour t'enfarger et
enfarger les auditeurs que de poser les questions et y répondre.

Et je ne suis pas bizarre vers de terre !
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptySam 7 Nov 2009 - 16:14

Je n'en reviens pas. Dupont a dit en ondes que j'étais bizarre.
Qu'il m'avait parlé le matin et que j'étais bizarre.

Ca peut allé chercher combien ca sur le marché du règlement
hors-cour si j'arrive à prouver que je ne le suis pas ?
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Nombre de messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2009

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptySam 7 Nov 2009 - 16:23

Je ne pense pas qu'être bizarre est une insulte... c'est une question d'opinion non? Bizarre selon les critères d'une personne.
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptySam 7 Nov 2009 - 17:51

Non non. Il a dit "bizarre" dans le sens de "bizarre" pas dans le sens de "bizarre". Pissez pas sur mon party !
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Nombre de messages : 1786
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2007

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptySam 7 Nov 2009 - 23:44

Pourquoi tu parlais à Dupont? Un job?
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Couillon anonyme

Couillon anonyme

Nombre de messages : 5388
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyLun 9 Nov 2009 - 10:47

Jean Langlois a écrit:
Ca peut allé chercher combien ca sur le marché du règlement
hors-cour si j'arrive à prouver que je ne le suis pas ?
Rien du tout. Vous avez travaillé trop longtemps avec André Arthur.

-- Le couillon anonyme
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 13:30

Merci Pluc. Plus de commentaires sur le lien de Pluc.
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Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyJeu 12 Nov 2009 - 19:03

surtout que sur la route des ciné parcs à st-nic,il y une porte qui a été défoncé par un autre camion de pompier,placardée depuis un mois.
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Jean Langlois

Nombre de messages : 25236
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2006

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dupont ce midi.   Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 EmptyVen 13 Nov 2009 - 11:24

Consécration pour Stéfane Dupont, la Une du JQ,

Dupont ce midi. - Page 4 Dupont10

Citation :
Le vendredi 13 novembre 2009
CHOI suspend Dupont
Jean-François Racine
12/11/2009 22h26

Stéphane Dupont ne s’entend plus avec la direction de CHOI, qui vient de le suspendre pour une journée......

.....Stéphane Dupont aurait dû céder son micro aujourd’hui, vendredi, mais la sanction s’appliquera plutôt lundi.

Vincent Dessureault est chanceux. Il a trois jours pour préparer
1 show pour se mettre en valleur.
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Contenu sponsorisé

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